CMCP525 Accelerometer In/Acceleration Out Transmitter/Monitor
The CMCP525 Acceleration In/Acceleration Out Transmitter is available in either "Peak" or "True RMS" signal detection versions. Works with all Industrial Accelerometers. |
CMCP530 Accelerometer In/ Velocity Out Transmitter/Monitor
The CMCP530 Accelerometer based Velocity Transmitter is available in either "Peak" or "True RMS" signal detection versions and English or Metric scaling. Both ISO Standard (10 Hz to 1kHz) and ISO Low Frequency (2Hz to 2kHz) Versions are available. |
CMCP535 Velocity In/ Displacement Out Transmitter/Monitor
The CMCP535 Displacement Transmitter is compatable with both 100mV/In/Sec Piezo Electronic (Accelerometer w/Velocity Output) and 500mV/In/Sec Electro Mechanical Velocity Transducers and is available in English or Metric scaling. |
CMCP540 Proximity Probe In/ Displacement Out Transmitter/Monitor
The CMCP540 Displacement Transmitter is compatable with all manufactures Eddy Probe or Proximity Probe Systems with a voltage output of 200 mv/mil and is available in English or Metric scaling. |
CMCP545 Proximity Probe In/ Position Out Transmitter/Monitor
The CMCP545 Position (Thrust) Transmitter is compatable with all manufactures Eddy Probe or Proximity Probe Systems with a voltage output of 100 or 200 mv/mil and is available in English and Metric scaling. |
CMCP546 Absolute Vibration Transmitter/Monitor
The CMCP546 Absolute Vibration Transmitter combines two (2) inputs, Shaft Relative using a proximity probe and Case Absolute using a Piezovelocity or mechanical velocity sensor to produce Shaft Absolute in Displacement terms for use on heavy rotor/light case machines. |
CMCP547 Differential Expansion Transmitter/Monitor
The CMCP547 Differential Expansion Transmitter are compatible with LVDT and proximity probe inputs, they provide a 4-20 mA output proportional to the overall measurement. |
CMCP548 Case Expansion Transmitter/Monitor for LVDT's
The CMCP548 Case Expansion Transmitter are compatible with 10mV/mil LVDT inputs, they provide a 4-20 mA output proportional to the overall measurement. |
CMCP549 Valve Position Transmitter/Monitor
The CMCP549 Valve Position monitors are compatible with rotary potentiometer (resistance) inputs, they provide a 4-20 mA output proportional to the overall measurement. |
CMCP560 Isolated RTD Temperature Transmitter/Monitor
The CMCP560 RTD Temperature Transmitter is compatable with 100 Ohm Platinum 3 wire RTD's. |
CMCP565 Isolated Thermocouple Temperature Transmitter/Monitor
The CMCP565 Isolated Thermocouple Temperature Transmitters are compatible with J and K type thermocouple inputs, and they provide a 4-20 mA output proportional to the overall measurement. |
CMCP570 Solid State Temperature Transmitter/Monitor
The CMCP570 Solid State Temperature Transmitter is compatible with Accelerometers with internal solid state temperature sensing elements such as the 793T and 797T. |
CMCP575 Speed Transmitter
The CMCP575 Isolated Speed Three-Wire Transmitter is one in a family of the 500 Series Transmitters that provide field mounted efficiency and ease of wiring in a compact DIN package. |
CMCP585 Eccentricity Transmitter/Monitor
The CMCP585 Eccentricity Transmitters are compatible with proximity probe inputs, they provide a 4-20 mA output proportional to the overall measurement. |
CMCP590 Acceleration Enveloping Transmitter/Monitor
Used with a 100mV/g accelerometer, the CMCP590 Acceleration Enveloping Transmitter processes the dynamic vibration acceleration input signal to defects in over-rolling bearing defects or gearbox problems. |
CMCP591 High Pass Filters for CMCP500 Series Transmitters/Monitors
Optional 4 Pole High Pass Filter for CMCP500 Series Transmitters and Monitors. |
CMCP592 Low Pass Filter for CMCP500 Series Transmitters/Monitors
Optional 4 Pole Low Pass Filter for CMCP500 Series Transmitters and Monitors. |
CMCP595 Accessory Module
The CMCP595 Accessory Module is designed to handle several interfaces including, Keyphasor, Accelerometers, 3-Wire Sensors and as a 4-Way Passive Buffer for vibration signals. |