The CMCP500 is a low cost vibration
monitoring system. Various options allow the user to configure the system with the
features and exact number of channels required for a specific application. The system is
based on CMCP500 series Monitor and Transmitter Modules (specified separately) installed
inside a NEMA rated enclosure.
Available enclosures include Fiberglass NEMA 4X, Painted Mild Steel
NEMA 12, Stainless Steel NEMA 4X, or cast aluminum explosion-proof types. Each can be
specified to hold up to 4, 8 or 12 Monitor Modules. (Up to 24 modules without alarms).
Custom enclosures are available for larger channel counts.
Monitor Modules:
Monitor modules are available for monitoring vibration in terms of
acceleration, velocity or displacement, and for position, temperature, speed or process
inputs. We also have several modules for TSI specific functions. Monitor Modules are user specified separately by model number. Various features
including, RMS, Peak or Peak to Peak detection, Buffered Transducer Outputs, Filters,
Fault Detection, and Recorder Outputs. Alarms are available on specific models (See
specific Monitor Module data sheet for details).
Monitor Modules are available with or without alarms. Modules without
alarms are typically used to interface directly to a PLC or DCS system. Modules with
alarms provide stand alone monitoring capability including two alarms (Alert and Danger)
and SPST output relay contacts. Alarm levels and delays can be independently adjusted. For
more details on alarms, refer to the specific Monitor Module data sheet.
Display Options:
The system may be ordered without a display, with a common digital
display, or with independent digital displays. A channel selector switch is provided on
systems that use a common display. Common displays are typically setup to read 0-100%. If
all channels are of the same type and have the same full-scale range, the display can be
setup to read in engineering units. Independent displays can be setup for 0-100% or
in engineering units.
Power Options:
Several input power options are available. The entire system can be
powered from a user supplied +24 Vdc, protected source, or from an external Vac/Vdc power
supply. Model CMCP-515 is the recommended external power supply. It is a linear regulated
ac/dc supply that includes over voltage protection, barrier type connection terminals, and
a user serviceable fuse. It is available for 115 or 230 Vac input, and comes with or
without a weather-proof housing. It can be externally mounted next to the monitor system
or in a remote location such as adjacent to an associated PLC or DCS system.