Analog to Digital Converters
are a cost effective method of utilizing existing networks within a plant to
cost effectively communicate via MODBUS or Ethernet TCP/IP with a PLC or DCS
from any sensor or transmitter with a 4-20 mA output.
Utilizing a plants
PLC or DCS allows a Plant Operator to view vibration data in the control
room and compare these values to other operating parameters. The Operator
can then make intelligent machine operating decisions. These digital signals can communicate 3 kilometers using standard RS485
protocol. Isolated communications ensures high reliability.
STI Vibration Monitoring CMCP420AD8 converters are designed for easy wiring, and come with
a universal power supply accepting 100 to 250 VAC in either 50 or 60 Hz.
The CMCP420AD8 is a
packaged A/D converter available with MODBUS 485(RTU) or Ethernet communications. The unit
will accept the 4-20 mA signals from up to eight CMCP420VT loop powered
vibration transmitters or any other sensor with a 4-20 mA output.
Dynamic Output:
The CMCP420VT provides the dynamic signal output that is accessible via a BNC connector with a channel selector switch mounted in the enclosure. Should the PLC or DCS detect an increasing vibration trend or an Alarm set-point be exceeded, a technician may interface a portable analyzer, to view and capture dynamic data for detailed analysis. |