A Quality Rotating Machinery
Predictive Maintenance (PM) Program for your facility will return your investment many
times over. This type of PM Program is based on periodic vibration measurements of your
Rotating Machinery. In many cases, a Return On Investment (ROI) of less than one year (six
months typical) is quite common. A Contract PM Program eliminates the initial capital
investment required to conduct your own PM Program.
There are three classifications of
machinery maintenance methods: Breakdown, Preventative, and Predictive Maintenance. Each
method has its own associated costs and benefits.
Breakdown Maintenance, by its own nature, is the most expensive method of plant
maintenance. This method has no scheduled maintenance until a machine destroys itself, and
it must be replaced at great cost. The machine breakdown often brings the production
process to an immediate halt. Breakdown Maintenance has high costs in manpower,
replacement parts, and lost production.
Preventative Maintenance, the next logical method, relies on a periodic inspection the
machines. During the inspection, machine damage is found and corrected. This method
requires a large inventory of replacement parts prior to the machine's inspection.
Preventative Maintenance has a lower associated cost because manpower can be planned in
Predictive Maintenance involves monitoring the machine's vibration characteristics or
symptoms to diagnose its condition. This method relies on the machine's condition to
accurately schedule the repair interval. The machine's condition also determines the
required replacement parts. Predictive Maintenance has the lowest cost of the three
methods with the highest possible savings.
A Machinery PM Program is beneficial to all industries that have rotating machinery on
their site such as:
Petroleum |
Chemical |
Power Generation |
Co-Generation |
Pulp and Paper |
Water Treatment |
Building Services |
Mining |
Food Processing |
Typical Rotating Machinery commonly included in a Machinery PM Program include but are
not limited to the following:
Electric Motors |
Pumps |
Fans |
Gear Boxes |
Turbines |
Compressors |
Paper Machines |
Reciprocating Machines |
Blowers |
Machine Tools |
Chillers |
Conveyors |

PM Program
Rotating Machinery PM Program involves the scheduled collection of vibration data from the
various machines. All rotating machinery vibrates, and this vibration will increase as the
equipment wears. The periodically collected vibration data can be analyzed by a trained
engineer or technician to determine the cause and the required machinery repair. An
initial machine inspection is usually done to determine the machinery parts that are
subject to wear.
PM Program Benefits
Quality PM Programs from many industries have shown that Rotating Machinery PM Programs
- Reduce Capital Investment
- Reduce Machinery Depreciation
- Reduce Machinery Breakdowns
- Increase Machinery Life
- Increase Maintenance Staff Productivity
- Reduce Dissatisfied/Lost Customers
- Reduce Penalties
- Reduce Unnecessary Machinery Repairs
- Reduce Rework
- Reduce Scrap
- Reduce Warranty Claims
- Increase Credibility and Reliability
- Reduce Overtime
- Increase Safety and Reduce Penalties
- Reduce Injuries
- Reduce Power Consumption
- Reduce Spare Parts Inventory
- Reduce Defects on New Machinery
- Reduce "Wrong" Repairs
- Reduce Insurance Costs
PM Program Survey
To see if a PM Program is beneficial to you, STI will survey your facility. STI will then
help you complete a "PM Program Justification Form". This no-charge survey will
- Review machinery and layout.
- List all applicable machinery.
- Review current and past problems.
- Determine machinery classifications.
- Determine the number of data points.
- Determine time needed to collect data.
- Determine data collection schedule.
- Start collection of the information required to complete a Program Justification.
After all the information has been acquired to complete a "PM Program
Justification Form", a complete proposal will be sent to you for approval and
PM Program Implementation
A PM Program can be implemented in several ways. One of which will be suitable to your
facility, current knowledge, and budget. You may chose to make a capital investment for
the hardware, software, and training, or a complete Machinery PM Program may be contracted
from STI. A contract PM Program reduces capital investment to zero, and permits the PM
Program to start in a timely fashion. When you are ready to acquire the appropriate
hardware, software, and training to proceed on your own, the complete PM Program package
can be turned over to you.
Once you have determined that a contract PM Program works best for you, an STI
vibration engineer or technician will return to your facility.
They will do a complete facility survey to identify machinery, locate data collection
points, possibly determine bearings, and formulate the data collection route. After this
information is acquired, they will complete the following off site using a state of the
art PM Program Software Package:
- Program facility and machinery information into PM Software.
- Program appropriate bearing and alarm information into software.
- Establish trending and exception list reporting.
- Establish Stage 1 to Stage 4 bearing failure criteria for all machinery.
Once the survey information has been properly programmed, the STI vibration engineer or
technician will schedule a return trip to your facility to do the following:
- Collect initial baseline vibration data.
- Review overall vibration data for immediate action.
- Provide a written report.
Scheduled PM Program
Once the initial survey and initial baseline information is programmed, the STI vibration
engineer or technician will return on a scheduled basis. For a reliable PM Program, the
normal schedule is either once or twice a month. During these visits, vibration data will
be collected along with a visual inspection. After the visit, you will receive the
Before leaving the facility:
- Exception report showing items requiring immediate attention.
By delivered report:
- Exception report of items requiring future attention.
- Report of all machines showing categories Stage 1 to Stage 4 bearing failure.
Advantages to Contract PM Programs
There are several important advantages in contracting your initial Machinery PM Program
with STI:
- Immediate Results By using a highly trained and experienced STI vibration engineer or
technician, immediate results are usually apparent. After several visits, the credibility
and reliability of the program will be proven.
- No Capital Investment A quality PM program requires state of the art Data Collectors,
Software, Computer Hardware, and Training. No capital investment is required for a
contract PM Program.
- No Training Required
All of STI's engineers and technicians have many years of experience in the field of
machinery vibration. Therefore, your maintenance personnel do not require training to
initiate a PM Program. If you desire, your maintenance personnel can accompany STI
personnel during their surveys and learn how a PM Program works. |