CMCP602 and CMCP603 Accelerometer Extension Cables are compatible
with any male MIL-Spec 2 and 3 Pin connectors. Connector back shells
are completely potted to meet liquid-tight specifications. To ensure
a liquid-tight connection, the sensor should be filled with a silicone
sealant, such as our CMCP213, before connecting the extension cable
to be sure no liquid can enter. The connector nut should not be tightened
with pliers, this will cause the corrosion resistant paint to chip off
and make the cable prone to rust and corrosion. Hand tighten or use
soft grip tools.
Dedicated rigid conduit is recommended in all installations for mechanical
and noise protection. The conduit should be metal, and in direct contact
with each segment and/or junctions boxes. With this type of installation,
a single ground point can be established. The final run to the sensor
can be metal flexible conduit.
Properly secure the extension cable at the sensor so that there is
no pull pressure on the sensor.
The extension cable shield is “floating” at the sensor end. Be sure
to land the cable shield to the sensor common at the opposite end to
prevent noise or erratic readings.
A optional BNC connector is available for portable data collection.
When the cable is not in use, the provided BNC dust cap must be on to
prevent the BNC from being harmed.
Wiring Guide:
CMCP602 (L and H) |
Wire Color |
Pin |
Red |
A |
Black |
B |
Shield (Bare) |
Floating |
CMCP603 (L and H) |
Red |
A |
Black |
B |
White |
C |
Shield (Bare) |
Floating |