CMCP545(A) Transmitters
and Monitors ship standard with "upscale towards probe". To change the upscale
direction on a CMCP545 from normally towards the probe to normally away
and where the range option calls out either +/- 40 mils or 0-80 mils, use
one of the two methods listed below.
Method 1:
If the actual reading,
corresponding to the currently existing thrust position, and associated
proximity probe output voltage (within the 80 mil total range limit) is
accurately known, the following procedure may be used.
1. Move the direction
jumpers on the circuit board to positions E1 and E4 (the two end positions).
2. Adjust the “zero”
potentiometer located on the front of the unit directly under the input
terminals, until the output-reading / output-current matches the know thrust
position reading. Note: This may take up to 10 turns of the potentiometer.
Method 2:
After performing this
change, an output reading of 20.00 mA will correspond to an input of -18Vdc,
and an output reading of 4.00 mA correspond to and input voltage of -2.00
Vdc. This is a total range of 80 mils, centered at -10Vdc.
1. Move the direction
jumpers on the circuit board to positions E1 and E4 (the two end positions).
2. Use a DC power supply
to input -18.00 Vdc at the “+” input terminal.
3. Monitor the output
current with a good digital meter, and adjust the “zero” potentiometer located
on the front of the unit directly under the input terminals, until the output
current reads 20.00 mA. Note: This may take up to 10 turns of the
Thrust Direction |
Jumpers |
NT, Normally Towards Probe (STD) |
E2 and E3 |
NA, Normally Away from Probe |
E1 and E4 |
Location of Jumpers: 