The CMCP-TKSC Shaft Calibrator is used to determine the actual Proximity Probe System Output in mv/mil or mv/um of a machine shaft or piston rod. Proximity Probe Systems are calibrated by the
manufactures to 200 mv/mil (7.87 mv/um) using a 4140 Steel as standard.
The actual machine shaft or rod response (sensitivity) to a Proximity Probes System can be quickly calculated by using the CMCP-TKSC measuring the actual target surface. Knowing the correct calibration allows monitoring system to be adjusted to read vibration, thrust or rod drop correctly. Electrical or mechanical runout measurement can also be easily corrected for sensitivity
Using the CMCP-TKSC is fairly straight forward by mounting a proximity probe of know sensitivity in the CMCP-TKSC Armature and performing a few measurements using a quality DVM. By gapping the proximity probe in the approximate center of its range and then comparing readings in 10 mil increments. A 200 mv/mil standard proximity system when viewing 4140 steel with produce a 2.0 VDC change for every 10 mil change in gap. Simply divide the actual output change by 10 and actual sensitivity will be obtained in mv/mil or mv/um.
The Nylon (non-metallic) base of the CMCP-TKSC will not affect the proximity probe systems