Note: Displays sold after 06/01/2012 are provided with a 3 position terminal block for wiring instead of wires directly soldered to the circuit board. If your display was purchased before 06/01/12 and has wires connected directly to the circuit board see Tech Note 107 for calibration instructions.
CMCP505 Displays sold after 06/01/2012 may be calibrated in the field for a full scale display reading of 001 to 1000 with decimal placements. Displays are calibrated at the factory per order if specified. If the full scale range of the CMCP500 Series Monitor is set or changed in the field the CMCP505 Display must be recalibrated to the new full scale range. For CMCP505 Displays sold prior to 06/01/12 see Tech Note 106.
By default the zero input is set to 000. To set the full scale input power the CMCP505 Display by connecting the +24 and Com terminals to a +24Vdc power source, the Vdc output on the CMCP500 series may also be used. If the CMCP505 is already connected to a CMCP500 series Monitor disconnect the signal input wire going to the display. After power has been connected remove the shorting jumper from the S1 decimal point selector and place it horizontally on the CAL position to apply 5Vdc to the input of the CMCP505 Display. Adjust the screw on R3 to show the desired reading without the decimal point. After the full scale input is set remove the CAL shorting jumper and connect it to the desired decimal position marker on S1. Decimal position can be selected in any of three (3) positions, 00.0, 0.00 and 0.000.
The following should be used as a guide to prevent too high of resolution and rapidly changing digits.
Engineering Unit and Decimal Points:
in/sec = 0.00 (hundredths)
mm/sec = 00.0 (tenths)
mils = 00.0 (tenths)
microns = 000 (none)
temperature = 000
If a 5.00 VDC supply is not readily available the voltage output
of the CMCP500 Monitor can be used. Using the front selector switch
select "Danger" for the danger alarm set point. Increase the set
point to 5.00 VDC using a quality digital voltmeter. Adjust display
as above then reset danger set point.